What are Forstner Bits Used For? [Ultimate Break Down]

Although many drilling attachments can be used with a drill press, the Forstner bit has topped them all. The Forstner bit has proven its ability to cut the cleanest and precise large diameter holes in the shortest time.

Forstner bits can be used to drill a new hole and increase the size of an existing hole. Furthermore, they can be used to make dozens of overlapping holes. They are commonly used in households when installing hinges into cabinet doors. Forstner is perfect for jobs that require specialized drilling as it can bore through plastic and wood perfectly.

What are Forstner Bits Used For
What are Forstner Bits Used For

What is a Forstner Drill Bit? 

The Forstner bit was primarily made in the year 1874 by a gunsmith named Benjamin Forstner. Over the years, the Forstner bit has proven helpful to woodworkers as it has undergone a few modifications.

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A Forstner drill bit is a tool that allows a handyperson to create clean and super straight holes in wood or metals. Today, workers widely embrace them due to their unique ability to carve out perfect flat bottomed holes. Forstner bits can be used with a drill press or a hand drill for best results. This is a must-have tool for every craftsman.

How to Use a Forstner Bit with A Drill Press 

  • The first step is to clamp down tightly plywood on your working table so that it stays intact when drilling. Place your workpiece on top of the plywood; the plywood helps keep drill holes from reaching your working table.
  • Attach you’re the Forstner bit to your drill press. You can adjust their heights according to the thickness of the wood piece.
  • Make marks on your workpiece using a pencil or chalk to show where the holes will be made. Lower the arm on your drill and place your Forstner bit’s center directly on one of the marks. Then switch on your drill press and slowly press into the workpiece. You can increase the speed of the drill when your hole is fully established. However, I recommend you keep the drill speed slow because it is easier to control.
  • As you near the desired depth of your home, lower your drill’s speed until you finish drilling your hole. Withdraw the bit from the workpiece while still spinning to create a clean vertical edge in the hole.
  • Blow away excess sawdust from your Forstner bit before working on your next hole to prevent its blades from clogging.
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Forstner Bit for Metal 

Although most drill bits are made from metal, not all can be used to drill through metal. Metal is pretty hard, so it will require a more powerful Forstner bit than drilling wood. There are many different metal materials, all with different levels of hardness. Drill bits for metal include; Step, Countersink, Twist drill, and Reduced-shank bits. 

Countersink bit can be for hard metals like Steel, while step bits can be used in soft metals like Aluminum. When drilling through metals, a lot of heat is produced. Therefore, I suggest you use water to cool your bit frequently.

Forstner bit in a Router 

Forstner bits are mainly used in a router when one wants to make deep vertical holes. To use a Forstner bit in a router, you will need the router’s speed controller and work with the convenient speed. However, don’t lower the speed too much, as this may burn the router’s motor.

Using a Forstner bit with a router can be very tricky. This is because a foster bit cuts in one direction, whereas the latter can cut in more than one direction. This process will require your hands to be steady and, importantly, make sure you take the proper precautions.

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